Page pro de Victor Mercklé

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Page perso de Victor Mercklé

Next paper: (available on Vixra, soon, to be published) Toward non-zero-sum political games

Recent activity: No longer a student. Still a student.

Next holidays: A few days

Hall of Fame bad questions

  1. Is replacing people by chatbots, ecological?

Hall of Fame des internets

  1. Internet of cows

Quick practical machine learning guide

  1. Use a neural network
  2. Use more neurons
  3. Play video games on the work GPU
  4. Use linear regression

Quick theoretical machine learning guide

  1. Use so, so many neurons that the earth stop spinning
  2. No spin -> gradient descent converges to global optimum (linearly sorry)

Hall of Fame GF

  1. Gradient F
  2. Wasserstein GF
  3. Goth GF

Quick pytorch/numpy/.. fix guide

  1. Dimension problem? Try the transpose.
  2. Nan problem? Try chinese food instead.
  3. pytorch.nan_To_whatever

Hall of Fame températures dans le bureau d'après les emails

  1. 28.0 - parfaitement agréable, adapté au boulot
  2. 28.3 - à deux doigts de mourir

Hall of Fame directions de recherche

  1. Fairness: Suppression du biais sexiste dans les réseaux profondément ReLOU
  2. Geopolitic: Investigating The Russian Rouble Descent theory

Liste des théorèmes de Mercklé

  1. The two stones one bird theorem
  2. Le théorème des trois démonstrations identique
  3. The no-free-motivation theorem

Hall of Fame deepest longest neural networks

  1. 52 neurons in 5 layers 2021 arxiv

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